I want to show you a project I did a while back. It turned out so nice and I enjoyed it so much, I thought you might like to do it as well. :)
I had an old laminate armoire from, I believe it was Walmart, yep...the one that looks like fake wood. I started to get rid of it on several occasions because I disliked it so much. but one day I decided I would try to do something with it before I tossed it out for good..........I'm so glad I did!
I don't have a before picture of the whole thing, but this is one I cropped out of another picture..it's the inside of one of the upper doors.
I found this picture on ebay..it looked a LOT like this..
only not even that nice.
Now this is the inside of the door now.....
HUGE difference wouldn't you say?! :)
I went to Lowes and asked a paint associate what kind of primer to use and he gave me one that is meant for very slick surfaces....even glass. I don't remember the name of it because it was a while back and I used every last drop, but it was at Lowes and they can help you with that if you just ask. :)
I painted the whole cabinet with that primer and then gave it two coats of an eggshell finish, white latex paint. I had this pretty pink striped wallpaper left over from another project and used it to go on the front panels and the inside and shelves.
Here's a pic of the paper in place. The roses on the paper are just cut out of some wrapping paper I found.... I just used modge podge
to put it in place. :)
to put it in place. :)
On the inside of each of the upper doors I took some foam core and cut it to the same size as the inset on the door. I padded it with some quilt batting and then put some beautiful fabric over it and added crossed ribbons for a memory board effect. I held them into place with some t-pins pushed into the foam core on the sides. Then I just used some velcro and held the whole thing into place. You could also use contruction adhesive, like liquid nails if you'd like, I just had the velcro on hand.
Here's a close-up of the padded insert. Oh yeah, I added the buttons in the center of the crossed ribbons and also put on new crystal knobs. I think those knobs add a lot, don't you? (The mask was a birthday gift from my hubby when he went on a business trip to New Orleans...it's hand made.) :)
Here's the finished product! It took a while to paint it all out, but I think you'll agree it was well worth the time and effort and much better than throwing it out! :)
Hope this gives you some inspiration to re-make something in your house that you don't like and turn it into one of your favorite pieces. :)
I'm linking up to:
Make it for Monday @ Cottage Instincts
Met Mondays @ BNOTP
Show off your Cottage @ The house in the roses
DIY Project Parade @ DIY Show off
DIY Day @ A soft place to land
It's So Very Renovated @ It's so very Cheri
Trash to Treasure @ Reinvented

Wow! That is absolutely amazing! I didn't think you could paint something like that either! Thank you for the inspiration, I have a big, roomy armoire that I really hated to get rid of, maybe she'll get a makeover! *adds another project to the evergrowing list*
Oh, this is beautiful. I love the striped wallpaper on it. You just keep amazing me. Congrats to your hubby for his winnings.
You did a nice job! Stopping by from BNOTP.
Melissa... I have noticed that cabinet in other photos of yours but never would have thought it was originally. Great job and I envy your vision of what "once was" turned into "New Treasure"!~Patti
What a beautiful transformation!
I am peeking out of my turtle shell to say thank you for your kindness and support. Your card was truly lovely. Be blessed dear friend.
It's a very beautiful remake!!!
This is so pretty. I usually use painter's tape to get my stripes but the modge podge looks great too. Nicely done. So glad you reposted.
Very pretty and oh so clever! And a good save! A custom piece like that would cost a pretty penny.
Thanks Melissa! I thought of that after I wrote that...."try to envision everything painted white"...lol...so true!~Patti
It turned out so pretty. I have an old entertainment center made out of that stuff...I was planning to throw it out but now I think I might try to salvage it. I'll let you know. Thanks!
Lee Laurie
It is soooooo gorgeous, I LOVE it!!!!
it came out beautiful! great job and idea :)
enjoy your new treasure.
Thanks gals! I'm glad you liked my makeover. Took a ton of work, and a ton of paint, but I love how it turned out! :-) If I've inspired you to re-do something, be sure and let me know if you post it so I can see too! :)
Hugs to all of you!!!
absolutely charming! I love the stripes and roses! great job! I hopped over from Between Naps on the Porch and am so happy that I did! Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place when you get a moment. I have become a follower and hope that you will do the same. until later...
Turned out fabulous- it will make me look differently at laminate pieces I run into!
awesome idea! and turn out very pretty TV hutch.. thanks for sharing this idea..
have a good week!
way to make it yours.
Hi Melissa...you are...one...talented lady!
A job well done...very pretty...love it!
LL Nat :~)
OH.MY.GOSH! Your message at my place was sooooo funny! I actually thought about that problem as soon as hit "submit"... Have a fun day! until later...
It is truly gorgeous! One would never guess that it is a laminate piece. It looks great. Thank you for that idea. Hugs, Cindy S
This is lovely. I love it! Be blessed. cindy
Hi Melissa~ ~ I love your cabinet you did a beautiful job it's so pretty! Great minds think alike. .stop by for a visit.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Fantastic job! Thanks so much for posting this! I've always wondered if you could paint over that stuff. I have a piece of that lame furniture that I'm gonna try now! Thanks again!!
WOW! FABULOUS job! I love the pink! : )
Great transformation, Melissa! Love the stripes, you clever girl! Beautiful job!
thanks ladies! :)
Hey, I have a giveaway coming up next week if you'd like to enter! :)
Thanks for visiting my armoire post! I love yours, too! Love how you did the inside.
I threw my cabinet like that out, I wish I had seen this, it is soooo my style! I am so glad i found your blog! I am a new follower. If you get a chance I would love for you to peek at my blog www.thepolkadotcloset.blogspot.com
Thank You Carol
Adorable! I never know what to do with old laminate furniture...
You really turned something destined for the trash into a treasure. Great job!
hai, i have an old armoire made of teak wood, but it has glass on it's sides and on the doors,it has one broken leg.... any idea what to do with it.... hope to be friends with u....
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