
Saturday, February 6, 2010

How Lucky Am I???!!!!!

I visited my favorite shop (Peddler's Mall) where I live a couple of weeks or so ago and got a STEAL on a gorgeous set of dishes! I was just walking around the enormous store with my mom, when she told me there was a booth in there that always seemed to have lovely dishes. We decided to walk over to that booth. :) Lo and behold the owner of the booth was there and showed me a set that she was putting out. I was so excited to find the greys, greens and pinks on this pretty set of dishes. (since that's the colors of my KITCHEN!!) It's trimmed out in silver all around. The lady had $22.00 on the WHOLE set, but said I could have it for $20.00...........we're talking an 8 piece set with veggie bowls. sugar and creamer.

I quickly agreed to the price and started putting the pieces in my someone else was standing there and they were going to grab them up while I talked pricing. :) I brought my treasure home and hand washed each piece with care (like I'll have to do when I use them). I wanted to put them in my antique jelly cabinet, but it just looked too plain to put my pretty new dishes into. Soooooo... I set out on a quest to find something to put in the back of the cabinet to give it some pizzazz. I started out with a cranberry fabric, but it didn't quite match the color in the roses on the dishes.........then I tried some wallpaper scraps I had left from my kitchen (a pretty pink and cream toile) but that didn't do it either. I finally decided on some "tin" ceiling panels.........the silver looked good with the trim on the dishes and it didnt' take away from the dishes themselves. After much cutting and liquid nailing, the cabinet was finished and I put all my pretty new dishes inside. :) I love it when I find something unexpectantly and can find a place to put it too! (especially when I find it for such a great price!) I'm a happy camper! :-)
Now, off to do some more shopping!


  1. What a great deal! They look really pretty! Welcome to blogging! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I had my blog professionally designed. I wouldn't know how to put the background design on either! There are places were you can get free blog designs though.

  2. thanks for the input and for visiting my blog! :) I'll have to look up the free blog designs........I love free! :-) Come back again anytime!

  3. The dishes you bought are BEAUTIFUL! =)

    Your bathroom sounds like it is going to look amazing! The boards always help me pinpoint exactly what I want & how it will all look together. it's helped me out a lot-- that way I don't buy something and then realize it doesn't go well with anything else I have lol.

    on my blog if you go to "inspiration pictures" under labels I have a lot of well, inspiration pictures lol bathrooms are in there somewhere! =)


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