
Saturday, March 6, 2010


I am so psyched about my latest find! I went shopping with a friend and we happened to go into JoAnn Fabrics. I was only going along for the ride, not intending to buy a thing........but fate stepped in! :) I had picked up an ad when we walked in and saw a coupon for 50% off any item, didn't think I'd need it, but I took one anyway. We walked around the least three times, but the last time around the store I saw it..........a sign! No, not a sign from Heaven, but a know, one cut out of wood. :) My heart skipped a beat and I grabbed it up like someone else was going to take it before I could get there. :) I looked at the price.......hmmm $20 bucks......a little steep for me, BUT coupon! 50% off would make it more in my price range! :) I also found the sweetest berry candle rings marked down in the Valentines Day stuff. I picked up four of those frosty little berry rings AND the sign for less than the original price of the sign. I was a very happy girl! SO.......

this is my sign......

and these are the berry rings

and this is what they look like together......

I love it! Now I just have to figure out where to hang it.
I'm sure I'll find somewhere just great, I always find a spot for something I love!
I'm sorry my pics have been dark lately, but we haven't had sun here in WEEKS! It's supposed to be nice today so I'm going shopping! :-)



  1. Oh, I could find several places to hang that sign in my house! You are lucky to have found it...or maybe it found you!

    Have a wonderful week-end.


  2. That's so cute, I love the little berries too. I went to Michael's yesterday and they were having 50% off what they call their Paris collection...great prices!

  3. I love that 'cottage' sign! It was meant for you to find it that day. I'm sure it will look great wherever you decide to hang it. I love the berries too.

    Have a great day!

    Lee Laurie

  4. Love it! I might be stopping at JoAnn's today! Do you have Hobby Lobby and Michael's nearby? I get their coupons for 40 or 50% off in their email ads. I love that! ♥♪

  5. So cute! I've seen so many of the BELIEVE signs, but I've never seen a COTTAGE sign and I really like it. The berries are such a pretty color and the glitter is something that gets bonus points in my book!
    Thanks for visiting my blog....

  6. What a cute sign...just might have to head over to Joannes and snag one if I'm lucky.

  7. How lucky are you not only to find a sign that defines your style but a coupon for half off?! I have no doubt you will find the perfect place for it.



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