Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me! :)

I just wanted to share my day with you guys!
I get to do whatever I want today (which would include woodworking and decorating...and yes it does include those old cabinets from my last post...you know, the cliffhanger ones! lol), then my honey is taking me out to dinner!
He already gave me my birthday gift....it's this...

It's a chandelier for my patio.
I'd been wanting it for a while, but $119.00 is too much for my cheap blood, but we went in and they had it for $45.00, PLUS I had a coupon for another 15% off. :)
I'll show it to you all hung up soon, I'm going to do a post on my patio shortly!
Anyway, just wanted to share my birthday will all my wonderful friends, I love you all dearly!!!



Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Missy....Happy Birthday! I can't wait to see your patio all "lit up"! Good deal on the chandelier! I hope you have a wonderful day!~Big Birthday Hugs! Patti

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hello Melissa :) Wishing you a VERY Happy Birthday!!

Warmest birthday hugs, Brenda

stefanie said...

Happy Birthday...make it Wonderful!

Victoria said...

Happy birthday Melissa, enjoy your day of being spoiled!!!!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Happy~Happy Birthday :)

Jen said...

Happy birthday lovely lady! Have a great one and hope you get spoilt!

Charo said...

Feliz CumpleaƱos!


In The Potter's Hand said...

Happy Birthday Missy! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Love ya, Kim

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Happy Birthday, Melissa~ hope it's been wonderful!!

Lemon Lane Studio said...

Happy birthday, sweet friend. Ihope your day was perfect in every way. Patty

Robyn said...

Happy BIRTHDAY!!!! If I was on FB more often I probably would have known that!

Your husband is a sweety! AND look at you with the discount pricing...bargain Betty! WHOOOO HOOOO~! It's gorgeous and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT PUT UP!

Sounds like your day was double delightful!

A Southern Rose said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like it was a great one!

Lee Laurie

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