Do you remember this corbel from my goodwill goodies?....

I decided what I wanted to do with it.
I had this odd little space next to the double wide opening right inside my dining room. I thought it was the perfect place to hang my little 75 cent corbel. :)
I got the pink sugar bowl at Goodwill for 75 cents too...I already had the plate.
This entire vignette cost $1.50
Stay tuned to see what I'm doing with the brass sconces!!
I'm participating in Pink Saturday over at Beverly's
How Sweet the Sound
Show off your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Show & Tell Fridays @ My Romantic Home
Missy, OMGAWSH! THAT is absolutley adorable! LOVe the corbel but I LOVE the entire vignette too! I'ts so YOU!
thanks Robyn.... it really is me isn't it! :) hee hee hee I'm such a girly girl!
Wow, sooo pretty, great idea!
What a wonderful idea! It is just beautiful and so elegant.
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
So ladylike, very feminine and pretty! Thanks for sharing!
Stunning, stunning, stunning!!
And let me tell you that I LOVE the color of your walls!!
Hey Missy....That is darling and what a deal! 75 cents is a great price and the pink sugar bowl looks perfect perched on the top of it with the pretty rose plate! I am off to garage sales this morning in the neighborhood...I am hoping the Rt 40 ones will not be a wash out tomorrow!~Hugs, Patti
This looks so pretty! What a great idea with your corbells! Love the pretty pink sugar bowl and plate!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a beautiful vignette. I sure doesn't look like a bargain. It looks like a million bucks!
OMG Melissa I love the corbal, the plate and the pink sugar bowl!! for a 1.50 what a bargain!
So pretty and a great idea! I see them too and often wonder how to use it and I am loving your idea! Cute sugar bowl :)
Super job of putting together the vignette and a great bargain!
Melissa, how beautiful! What a great find! Love the pink sugar bowl too!
Looks like it was meant to be, very pretty!
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