
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday's Treasures and Trinkets..LINK UP! Forget about that little black dress........mine is green! :)

It's time for our weekly Treasures and Trinkets.  You know the drill, link up something, post a button and link back to me...that's it. I know, I know, too easy! :)

See this darling little was mine when I was just a baby. It's hard to believe I was ever that small. LOL

My husband bought me the little dress form as a gift one year and I could never find anything to put on it..........kinda looked naked just standing there all bare. :) A while back my mom gave me a couple of things she had saved from when I was a wee one and this little green chiffon dress was one of the items. I was so excited when I thought of the little dress form. Of course when I put it on the form it was too big around the waist, so I cinched it in with a little vintage ribbon and some little white roses. Isn't it precious! :)

I love being able to take something with sentimental value, and use it for decorating a nook in my house....I guess I'm a big ol softy, but it just makes me happy inside. :)

Hope you have a blessed day!
Melissa :)


  1. I love your green dress Melissa...
    I can just picture you in it!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. Missy....How sweet! That is so nice that your Mom saved your little dress! Great idea to put it on the form to display it! I wish I still had something like that of mine from childhood....all I have are pictures of my little dresses. Hope you got your painting done!~Hugs, Patti

  3. You must have been a cutie with your dark hair and that lovely pale green dress. I have a tiny dress of my daughter's in the bedroom, but it's not displayed as nicely as yours! Thanks for sharing. ♥♫

  4. Very creative...gorgeous pics!

    LL Nat:~)

  5. SO charming, Melissa! It's great to have something that has meaning to you!

  6. This is such a clever mom did the same thing and my little dress is in a storage box somewhere. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a wonderful weekend, Patty

  7. What an adorable little dress! I LOVE the color and it looks so VERY nice on your dress form!


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