This is my last post about our vacation...we had such a good time!
Our last leg of our vacation was at the beach...Folly Beach, SC to be exact.
Folly Beach is more of a residential area than a big commercialized beach, and it's VERY family friendly! (we didn't see one trashy bathing suit the whole time we were there) :0)
Here is our hotel, the only one on the island....
it's a Holiday Inn.
Well, there is a tiny little motel a couple of streets back off the beach called....
get this, Holliday Inn! (2 L's, instead of one) LOL
It's easy to use Hotwire to get cheaper rooms, because there's only 1 hotel on the beach!
Online this was $254 a night..we got it for $199!
Directly next to the hotel is this wonderful pier!
They rent fishing equipment too!
Here's my guys checking out the view from the top level of the pier.
Very LONG pier!
This is the building the pier is built off of, it has this....
Our favorite restaurant on the island!
Locklear's Beach City Grill!
Here's the inside...very bright and airy!
I got shrimp and scallops....YUMMO!
Waiting on our food....can you tell Carson just took a big swig of Sprite?~!
You can buy a frisbee for 2 bucks when you buy a kids meal...
Carson was very happy with the deal~!

Me and my guys on the pier after lunch!
View from the end of the pier....before going here............
Carson and TJ enjoying the crashing of the waves!
Some beach pictures...
My camera lens kept fogging up, but this pic was too cute not to include it.
He looks so happy here. :)
I LOVE this picture!
I took this picture under the pier!
How cool is that!
Playing football on the beach!
Carson learned to ride a boogie board!
and Sea!
Building our first sand castle!
ta da!!
I couldnt' be out done...I made my own sculpture..
my fishy! lol
Writing with seashells in the sand...
What will it say??
It says...Folly!
Lincoln finally decides to join us..he hates the beach!
I know, how can anyone hate the beach!
My guys!
I call this Lincoln's James Dean shot! lol
Is that a perfect sky or what!
I personally think it's the perfect guy too! :)
Under the pier...isn't it soothing..

Me, with my toes in the sand. :)
This is Carson, signing off!
Hope you enjoyed a sneak peek into our vacation..
hope the family pics didn't bore you too much!
I'm leaving you with a short video of Carson trying to learn to
use his boogie board...
and yes, you did hear that right in the video,
I did say ya'll!
Good Morning Sweetie...
What a beautiful share this morning. I so enjoyed my visit to the beach. I could hear the seagulls crying overhead. I could smell the salty sea air, and I could feel the wind on my face. I so enjoyed the laughter. Meal on the pier looked so yummy and I loved all the photos of the ocean.
My favorite photo was the one looking down the long hall like under the pier. Just breathtaking. Ofcourse those photos of Carson, who could not love those. He looks like he had the best time ever. The one of him pearing over his boogie board is priceless.
Oh and Lincoln does look a little like James Dean in the photo. I also love the polish on your toes.
Thank you so much for taking me back to South Carolina. I had a blast. Hope you have a great Monday sweet friend.
Country hugs...Sherry
Hi Missy......I felt like I was at the beach! There is nothing like spending time at the beach, is there? I feel like I need to go now! lol Enjoy your time when your whole family can spend time on vacation like that together. They grow up so fast and then they have their own families. Thanks for sharing...I enjoyed seeing all of your photos!~Hugs, Patti
What a wonderful vacation, ilove fishing piers too! Even if it is hot it is always cool on the pier! Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my publishing joy! I am going to do my next post on how I got published..Stay tuned, I know you can,part of the trick is telling your self that!
Looks like a wonderful family vacation, Missy~ and what a great looking family you are!
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