
Monday, October 25, 2010

Goodbye and good riddance! :)

As you guys know, I was asked by
to do a review of a product from their stores. (did you know they have over 200 online stores?!)

do you know how long it took me to pick one item!
I had them lined up from here to kingdom come
trying to figure out what to get to review!

But I finally got it down to one item that
I thought would get more use in our home than any other.

You see, I have this......

Don't laugh, you know you all have had one or still do!
My hubs and I got this for a wedding present 25 years ago...
ya think it's time for a new one?!
Wonder if it qualifies as an antique now?
(No, no it does not, because that would mean I'm an antique
and I'm NOT..we were married as babies~!)
So having seen that, I'm sure you know
what I chose to review!
Yep, this puppy right here.....

a Hamilton Beach Stay or Go Crockpot!
Look at that removable insert.........
I hated, I repeat HATED, soaking that old
crockpot for hours because it didn't have a removable insert!
My heart is happy!
Okay, it's pretty in the box, but what can it do?
Well for starters it can travel....

With a show of hands, how many of you guys
 have had gravy or bbq
sauce on the carpet of your back floor boards in the car?
My hand is up!
Not with this baby, it has a lid that clips down so
nothing will spill and the lid even has a gasket around it!
(no more meatballs in my floorboard!)

See the gasket?....sigh.
(I know, it doesn't take much to thrill my soul!)

Yep, I know I keep showing you pictures of the clip tight lid, but
I'm totally thrilled with that feature!
Here's one more!

This is a 6 quart crockpot so it can hold lots

It's a good thing too, I have three boys and a hubby that eat here everyday and a brother that eats here
 at least 2 or 3 times a week, so I need volume!

Oh, and I think this is the cutest little feature!
Looks like a regular name plate right?

NOPE, it holds these adorable little labels that came with it....


There are blank ones too, so you can label what you're taking...
I love this for all the church functions we go to!

Oh, and this feature is great too...
a place to rest your spoon!
(and the spoon came with it to boot!)

The first thing I made in this crockpot was a recipe I made up
all on my own, but it does come with a few recipes in the
instruction book to get you started.

I made a chicken dish that I poured over
egg noodles. It turned out REALLY
good, so I thought I'd include the recipe.
(yep,  if it had been bad, you wouldn't have gotten a thing!)


I started by putting all the following ingredients in the crockpot.
1 can chicken broth
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 small can of mushrooms
1 medium size onion, chopped
3 ribs of celery chopped
2 to 3 lbs of chicken tenderloins (I use the bagged ones from Kroger)

Cook on low for 5 -6 hours, checking chicken, celery and
onions for tenderness after about 5 hours.
When this is all done, add 8 oz sour cream. 
I found it was too thin at this point, so I
thickened with a little cornstarch mixed with a
tad of water.  It was really yummy!
I served it over egg noodles with a salad
and yeast rolls.

SO, if you can't tell, I
REALLY love this crock pot!
(and I'm not just saying that, if
it wasn't good I'd tell you so.)

If you're in the market for a new crockpot
or if you still have one of these...

You might want to pop on over to CSN and
pick up one of these...

It's Loverly!

Hope you guys have a great day!


  1. You will love the cooker. I love mine. They are great.

  2. That crock pot looks amazing! Thanks for sharing your review with us.

  3. I feel you....we had the same crock pot for around 15 years before we replaced it. The crock didn't remove either. We found a wonderful white one, and I've had it now for a good 6 or 7 years. I use it all the time, and it's much faster cooking too. I do love the review you gave. That spoon rest on top is an awesome feature, as well as the cute labels.

  4. Thanks for sharing this. I still have 2 older ones and a new one from a couple of years ago. Now I want the one with the clamp down lid. I laughed when I read no more meatballs on my floorboard! lol Been there done that!

    Lee Laurie

  5. I love it!! :) I love that the lid clamps down too...I too have had a messy floorboard! :(

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  6. Hi Missy,
    I have this exact same crockpot and love it. I love that the lid locks down and it does travel great. I love crockpot cooking and have several great recipes. I'll have to try your's though. Sounds like my chicken in sour cream sauce recipe. Have a great week.
    Hugs~ Amanda

  7. Hi Missy....I see you finally made up your mind! I still have a crockpot that we got as a wedding gift in 1972....that would be 38 yrs! I also have 2 more new ones...a huge one and a smaller one. I used to do a lot of entertaining but not so much anymore since we moved here and my family has passed on or moved to other states. I love the clips on the one you got and also the spoon holder! Finally someone was thinking! Enjoy!~Hugs, Patti

  8. Thanks for stopping by the blog...wanted to tell you, that the crock pot will make an awesome pot of beans also!

  9. How wonderful, I love the little labels!!! We just got a new crockpot last month, albeit not as fancy as yours...but I love crockpot cooking:) Right now I have jambalaya cooking in there and last week I made beef stew...yum!

    Your old crockpot is very cute tho:)

  10. My crockpot is older than yours! We got it for a wedding present back in 1977! It still works, but mine is easy to wash as the crock comes out. Yours looks so good, I want one with all those features! You are a smart cookie for choosing that...lucky guys! ♥♫

  11. I love your review of this. I'm planning on buying a new one and I really like that you can seal it to carry it with you. Thanks!

  12. Wow that is some crock pot! I am waiting for the one that fills itself with ingredients! :)

    I can see it now, somewhere in the future, your grand-daughter carrying on the sacred Treasures and Trinkets party and blogging about the beautiful antique crock pot covered in herbs that she got for a steal!

    Your Friend,

  13. Thank you for sharing the info on the crockpot!!! I love the features and the cute labels!!! My larger one cracked so I'm due for a new one.



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