
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Let's help out Layla and Kevin!

I know many of you guys know Layla from The Lettered Cottage, but she and her sweet honey Kevin, are trying to raise some funds to adopt a wee one and could use our help!

If you could just go to facebook before midnight tonight (November 27th) and "like" Six Seeds, they will get $1.00 for each like. Please leave them a comment too!  It's an easy thing to do and I know that every dollar can help! So please just go to the Six Seeds link here and hit's that simple and could help so much!

Thanks so much!
EDIT: The Palmers (Layla & Kevin) met their goal, so thanks to you guys for helping make it a reality!


  1. Loved helping them out. Cant wait till the day we get to see their cutie patootie


Please leave a comment so I know you were here! I read every single comment and truly enjoy hearing from you! (and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside too!)