
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Melted Snowmen Cookies!

Thought you guys might enjoy making
some of these with your kids or grandkids...
..super easy and oh so cute!

Melted Snowmen Cookies!

The recipe was on, but I just
used a roll of cookie dough instead of
making it.

First I sliced off some of the cookie dough and baked
like this.....
(and I cleaned my oven the next day after looking at this picture! Ack!)

Then I cheated some more with the canned icing...even though I despise the stuff,
I didn't have time to make the real thing and I did
this solely for my 9 year old and he could care less.

See his sweet little hands icing the cookies after they cooled...

Next you spray a microwaveable plate with
non-stick spray and microwave some large marshmallows
(ever how many cookies you have)
for about 15-20 seconds.
(they should just start to puff in the microwave, don't
let them go double in size or they'll just be a pile of goo...
I may or may not know this from experience)

Then you just plop them down on
your cookie and decorate with
colored icing accordingly.
We also used some sprinkles we had left
from Halloween for the eyes, buttons and much easier!)

My son thought this picture was cute,
he said it looked like the snowman was screaming cause
he was eating him..
Just like a boy!

Speaking of boys...this is also what happens when
you have brown icing and a boy in the house...
yes..doggie doo.
He REALLY thought that was funny!
(me, not so much)

Looks like the pooch struck again!
I promise I'm raising my little guy right,
I just can't help that he's a boy!
(and NO, I did not eat those!)

So there it easy cookie craft
for you and your kids..
this just may be a new tradition in
our house!
Speaking of traditions,
I'll be showing you one my son and I
do every year on my next post, so stay tuned!

Hope you enjoyed baking with me and my son!

Have a great day
Merry Christmas!



  1. These are totally cute, Missy! I need to make some for my grandkids on Christmas Eve! Thanks!

  2. CUTE! I think I'll leave off the doggy pooh when I tell my grandboys about these. :)I do love them - Henry and I will have to do these on Monday!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Very cute...and tell him I get it. It does look like doggy do! Merry Christmas!

  4. Boys and silly things, they are all the same but we love it don't we!

  5. so cute! poop? boys will be boys! won't they?
    guess what! I have a naked tree in my living room. :) Hopefully it will get dressed later today.

  6. Sooo funny!! My little guy would go NUTS with that doo doo thing!! Soo cute!! We will make some of these!!

  7. How yummy that looks. Such a cute idea. Thank you for sharing that with us.

  8. Missy....The marshmallow snowman cookies are too doo and all!~Hugs, Patti

  9. Sooo cute!! You are always so creative!! I'm going to let my grandkids do this one!! Thanks!

  10. Haha those are so cute!! The snowman that pooed is too funny! I don't know what I'd do with a boy and all their farts. Thank God I had a girl. :)

  11. So cute! Great idea for the kids and sound pretty simple to make as well


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