
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Year End Re-cap!

My goodness, I can't believe 2010 is almost over!
I thought it might be fun to re-cap some of the fun things I've done this past year..

I totally re-did my horrible kitchen!
We bought our house repossessed and the kitchen was awful..
we spent MANY days re-doing the dark
dungeon of a kitchen into a bright, cozy cottage kitchen!



You can see how I did it here.

Another big project I did this year was my son's room...
I built him an entire wall of built-in cabinetry.



How to build these here.

I also re-did a laminate armoire...
YES, you can paint laminate!

This is what the laminate door looked like before I
re-did it..


Full how-to post here!

Do you remember my $5.00



Full tutorial here!

Tick Tock..
it's a clock, but see what I turned it into!

Before... (got this for a buck at a yard sale!)


Tutorial here!

Goodwill light fixture re-do...
$3.00 bucks!



How to instructions here!

How to turn this...

Into this....

Complete tutorial here!

To see even more of my projects from
the last year, go here!

Happy New Year...
we have so many projects to tackle!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Reason to Celebrate!

Let's celebrate the true reason for the season!

It's not about the gifts, the tinsel, the food
and definitely not about Santa...

This season is about the birth of Jesus Christ!
He came to earth as a tiny babe,
to grow into a man that would lay down his life
for all of us, that if we believe in him and ask
him into our hearts, would give
us every lasting, eternal life in Heaven.

Let's take a moment to celebrate the real, true
meaning behind this Holiday!

Merry CHRISTmas!

Hope you have a wonderful day with your family!
I'm taking this week off to be with mine.
Love you all!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gingerbread House Tradition... Treasures and Trinkets Thursday!

Gingerbread and Treasures and Trinkets Thursday!

My little man and I have had a Christmas
tradition of making cookies
and building a gingerbread house for as far
back as I can remember.

It's so nice to have something
to look forward to each year.

Here is our 2010
Gingerbread House Tour!

This  is my little man's,
"mommy, are you seriously going to put this
picture in your blog" look.
(oh yes I am!)

Ain't he the sweetest?!~

Ok, Ok....I know you didn't come to see my little man,
so here is what we do!
Since we don't eat the gingerbread houses,
I generally buy a kit on clearance after
Christmas for the next year. I keep it in the garage and
so far we've been lucky...they've kept just fine.
(you could also pay full price too, but I'm cheap!)

This is Carson helping me cut up the little green
gum drops to add to our little wreath above
the door. This is the first year
we've ever thought of doing a wreath!

Didn't the wreath turn out cute!
Oh my, so adorable!
The bow is just a gum drop cut up too!

We did candles in the windows too.
Just icing and a teeny tiny slice of a gumdrop for the flame!
(that was my favorite feature this year!)

Up close shot of the wreath....

Major look of satisfaction going on in
this picture!
Yep, he's always so proud of his work!

What traditions do you have in your family?
I would love to hear about them!

Have a Very Merry CHRISTmas!!

Now Link up something for
Treasures & Trinkets Thursday!
Link up something you love and
grab my button for your blog if you're
feeling generous!
I'm putting this out early, cause I'm taking the
rest of the week off for Christmas!
Hope you guys have a wonderful
CHRISTmas this year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Melted Snowmen Cookies!

Thought you guys might enjoy making
some of these with your kids or grandkids...
..super easy and oh so cute!

Melted Snowmen Cookies!

The recipe was on, but I just
used a roll of cookie dough instead of
making it.

First I sliced off some of the cookie dough and baked
like this.....
(and I cleaned my oven the next day after looking at this picture! Ack!)

Then I cheated some more with the canned icing...even though I despise the stuff,
I didn't have time to make the real thing and I did
this solely for my 9 year old and he could care less.

See his sweet little hands icing the cookies after they cooled...

Next you spray a microwaveable plate with
non-stick spray and microwave some large marshmallows
(ever how many cookies you have)
for about 15-20 seconds.
(they should just start to puff in the microwave, don't
let them go double in size or they'll just be a pile of goo...
I may or may not know this from experience)

Then you just plop them down on
your cookie and decorate with
colored icing accordingly.
We also used some sprinkles we had left
from Halloween for the eyes, buttons and much easier!)

My son thought this picture was cute,
he said it looked like the snowman was screaming cause
he was eating him..
Just like a boy!

Speaking of boys...this is also what happens when
you have brown icing and a boy in the house...
yes..doggie doo.
He REALLY thought that was funny!
(me, not so much)

Looks like the pooch struck again!
I promise I'm raising my little guy right,
I just can't help that he's a boy!
(and NO, I did not eat those!)

So there it easy cookie craft
for you and your kids..
this just may be a new tradition in
our house!
Speaking of traditions,
I'll be showing you one my son and I
do every year on my next post, so stay tuned!

Hope you enjoyed baking with me and my son!

Have a great day
Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Decor around the House and Treasures and Trinkets Thursday!

Thought you guys might like to see some of my
~Christmas Decor~

Here's my staircase in the foyer...

I have this beaded fruit on the newel post....

I have these little bunches of poinsettias and ornaments
at each point where the swags connect
to the handrail....

Here it is all lit up!

I also have garland swagged above the opening to my
dining room....

Next to our Christmas tree I have my old dolls....
I keep them in the living room all year long though,
they're just so beautiful!

I love my little snowman...
I put him under my cloche in my dining room!

Aren't these the most precious little owls!!
I got these at our church ornament exchange party.

This is the little greenhouse I found at
a yard sale this summer...
(you can see all my finds here)
and I just filled it with vintage ornaments
for my shelf in the foyer.

Found this Merry Christmas at Walmart this year
and the tree was from TJ Maxx last year..
I LOVE glitter!
(see that good lookin' kid in the picture...that's my sweet boy!)

Here's the apothocary jar I made from
Dollar Tree goodies filled with vintage
You can find out how I made it here.

I absolutely love the indented vintage ornaments!!
Aren't they lovely?!

Those are just a few areas around our house that are decorated....
I'll share more later, but now
it's time for Treasures and Trinkets Thursdays.
Rules are simple:
Link something you love
and if you're feeling generous
grab my button.
