I have a favor to ask of all you guys! You KNOW I love each and everyone of you and I ADORE when you leave me comments. (I mean REALLY adore it…like in a great big fuzzy teddy bear kind of way!) YOUR comments make MY DAY! I just need you to do something for me if you’re comfortable with it.
You see, when you guys leave me comments, they go to my email…if I hit reply on my email, so I can talk to you, I get this….
This means I can’t just type you a response….I have to dig around and look up your email addresses etc. Some of you may not even know you’re noreplybloggers…I was and I didn’t realize it either! By the way, this only applies to comments left by bloggers. You can easily fix your norelycomment status by going to your dashboard and on the left side, click edit profile.
When you get there, just check the box that says share my profile ….that’s it! Now when I hit reply on my emails, it will put in your email address instead of the noreplyblogger line.
I know this sounds silly, but it makes talking to you guys SO much easier…and you KNOW I love talking to all of you!!!
If you’re not comfortable doing this, don’t feel like you have to, I just figured some of you may not even know you are no reply bloggers…like I said, I didn’t realize I was either!
Thanks so much my friends!
Hope you have a wonderful, blessed day!
EDIT: This is mainly for when I have already commented on your blog and then we have a conversation going back and forth..it's just so much easier to hit reply. :) I do LOVE visiting your blogs and don't mean that I don't want to come visit you, when you visit me. Just sayin'. :)