My little man is turning 10 on the 30th! (sniff, sniff…sob…sob!!!)
Oh where does the time go?!!
He asked for a big kids party….hmmm. ME: “What’s a big kid’s party”?
LITTLE MAN: “You know mom, kids my own age, not any little kids”.
Well OK then, we’ll go with that! LOL
Anyway, we’re having him a Mario and Luigi themed party and I thought I’d show you guys some of the things I’m making for the big day! (If you’re one of my friends and your “big” kid is invited to the party, don’t let them look at my blog, it’ll spoil the fun!~….cause I know there are SO many 10 year olds out there that read my decorating blog! Ha!!!
I saw a picture of these lollipops on the internet and I just had to make them for the party! I can’t find where I got the idea, so if it was yours, please let me know! Wish I could take credit for it, but it was someone out in cyber world..but I did make them!
UPDATE! Thank you for letting me know these came from your blog so I could give you the credit!! Yay! Here's the link to their original post.
First I took some cream colored card stock and folded it over and cut out two ovals for each nose. I folded it so there would be two exactly the same for the next step.
Next, I “glued” the two circles together using a 3D adhesive Zot. If you don’t care about the 3D effect, you can just cut out one circle and hot glue it on for the nose.
Next, I cut out ovals from red cardstock and folded them like the photo below…..
Then I cut out the little shapes below and wrote either a capital M or L, for Mario or Luigi.
I also cut out cute little mustaches from black card stock as you can see on the lollipops.
I used this to adhere everything onto the lollipop, but you could use what ever adhesive you like. (hot glue would work great)
After everything is cut out and glued on, this is what you get! One Mario and one Luigi for each kid!
Aren’t they just the cutest things?!!
Stay tuned for more birthday party tutorials and fun…coming soon!
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too cute! :) great job missy!
So fun, Missy! Happy birthday to your little man!
The lollies are so cute, well done. Hope everyone enjoys the party :)
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Those are cute Missy! I can't believe that Mario and Luigi are still popular since my 33 and almost 29 yr olds used to be "into" them when they were that age. I am sure you have a lot more ideas yet for the party!~Hugs, Patti
Missy, THESE are just absolutely adorable~! Thanks for sharing~! Can't wait to see what else you do!
Those lollipops are absolutely adorable!
So cute & funny! :)
Those are so cute and they crack me up! Heather from Dollar Store Crafts emailed this to me and she's right- what a great DIY! I would love to link to this if you didn't mind.
Hi there,
I came across your blog post about the Mario Party. Great Job you did :)
I noticed that you mentioned the M & L lollipop idea was not yours.
So the original post for this lollipop idea came from my blog
Here is the link incase you want to view or link.
Site was under renovation updates for a while, this may be why it was hard to find on web. UPDATE: I have updated my blog to have many of the templates and "how to's" that anyone may have been looking for. Still updating, so all will be up, and ready to share. WWW.COOLPARTYBLOG.COM is the place to go, if your looking too.
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