I’ve been teasing some of you that follow me on facebook and twitter about a BIG project that I’ve started in my home, and I really can’t WAIT to share it!! You ready to find out what it is?
I’ve been re-modeling my laundry room….and oh what a HUGE difference it’s making!
I had no intention of re-doing that room until we bought these….
Aren’t they just lovely! (sorry the pics are a little dark..I took them at night in a room with no window..told you I was excited to show you all!)
We got such a great deal on them, and I’m so glad we went ahead and got them because our water and electric bills have gone down drastically.
I LOVE the steam setting on the dryer….it steams your wrinkles out…cause I HATE to iron!
Anyway…stay tuned to my next post…there’s gonna be a lot of cutting of wood, laying of floors, re-purposing and re-doing furniture and SO much more! I’m SO excited!! Oh…and just so you know, I did this entire room by myself, so I’ll be showing you step by step, how to’s for each project so you can do these things yourself too!
Here’s a BEFORE of my laundry room……we had just sold our old washer and dryer and were about to move them out. Let me say, this room has NOTHING in it that’s in this picture now! (except that little white garbage can!)
I can’t wait to show you guys how this room is coming along..but for now I’m going to leave you with some pictures I used as inspiration.

So stay tuned to see how I took elements from each of these pictures (and MORE) to turn my horrible laundry room into a blissful place to work!
Did I say I was excited?!…cause I am! Ohhh, I can’t wait!
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OH..one more thing! I’m guest posting for Gail today at
My Repurposed Life…so go on over and see what I built!