So, are you sick of my laundry room yet? lol (if you’re new and missed it, the reveal is
HERE!) I know it’s been a long drawn out ordeal, but it took FOREVER to finish it and I want to be able to show you ever last little detail. I had some questions from the reveal and I also want to show you some areas that I didn’t show you before..…so here we go!
I promised a before shot of my laundry room here she is. I got this at the habitat restore for $8 bucks. I just cleaned it up, primed it good and spray painted it white.
I replaced the shiny brass door knob in the laundry room with this antique knob. (I’ll have another post later on these…there’s a story behind them) Isn’t it beautiful?! I’m going to put a nice back plate behind it later, so that’s why it’s not screwed into the door just yet, but I couldn’t wait to have that little bit of bling in the room!
I had a question from my laundry room reveal post about where I hang clothes now. You couldn’t see this part of the laundry room from the angle I shot the reveal pictures in, so I thought I’d share it with you now……

I LOVE how much storage and hanging space there is over there now and also that it’s totally hidden from view when you look into the room. (it’s to the left of the washer and dryer)
I adore these little wire baskets and they hold paper towels and toilet paper perfectly!
I’m waffling back and forth about painting them…I kinda like their old patina…what do you think?
The shelving system was SUPER easy to put up. See that long bar above the top piece of the board and batton? You just screw that to the wall into studs (or use molly bolts if you can’t find a stud) and then you just hang the standards from that and then hook on your shelving brackets. It really is
that easy! I think I installed the whole shelving system in less than 15 minutes!
One more look at the shelves all nice and tidy!
I also had some questions asked about this curtain.….
First question….where did I get it?
I purchased the curtain at Hobby Lobby and of course, I used my 40% coupon, so it was only $12.00! ( got my memory board above the dresser there too…it was 50% off!) Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Hobby Lobby?!!
OH how I LOVE this material!!
Next question: How did I hang it? I hung the curtain from the ceiling using this wooden curtain rod. I just measured and found a curtain rod the right length…I was lucky enough to have this in my garage. (I NEVER throw anything away! -sometimes that’s good and sometimes- well we won’t go into my home décor hoarding issues) lol JOKING!!!…sort of.
Anyway, I primed and painted the rod white so it would blend into my ceiling….I didn’t really want to notice it.
I found two cup hooks that fit the diameter of the wooden dowel part of the curtain rod and just screwed them into the ceiling. If you’re going to be pulling your curtain back and forth, I’d recommend using hooks with mollies, but this one is stationary and doesn’t get “yanked” on, so these are working for me.
I threaded my tab top curtains on the rod, took off the finials from the ends of the rod and slid them into the cup hooks and then re-attached the finials.
So there ya have it..a simple hanging curtain solution to hiding this furnace…YIKES! That furnace unit is
all kinds of UGLY! (oh and my sweet friend Laura was worried about that unit getting hot and catching the curtain on fire, but it doesn’t get hot at all, so we’re all good, but you should consider that before hanging fabric around any units you may have)
I just LOVE what that curtain does for the room! Isn’t it amazing what a single piece of fabric can do?!
OH, and speaking of fabric, look what I found on Ebay!!!

Yep, it matches beautifully! I’m too embarrassed to show you the before of my ironing board….lets just say it was stained, and quite worn out. lol I LOVE this new cover…it makes my ironing board look brand new again!
Ok, what’s next…hmmm. Oh, the pictures above the dresser! I promised I’d tell you how I did them. Here they are above the dresser…..
Do you remember the
post a long time ago when I told you I got these picture frames from Goodwill for .75 each?

I took them all apart to spray paint them like this…

It took quite a bit of primer and paint to cover these puppies because of all that writing on the mat….see those words?….
They kept bleeding through when I painted them. See!…..
I finally got enough coats of paint on there to hide all the wording…success!!

I used my cricut to cut out the silhouettes for the pictures themselves. I found 4 matching silhouettes in the Child’s First Year cartridge, but you could easily Google silhouettes and just use those to cut out of black paper. I found oodles of them when I Googled it.
I used some aqua colored scrapbook paper to back the silhouettes and ended up with these…
(that’s the memory board I got at Hobby Lobby!)
I just LOVE how my little pictures turned out and they only cost me $3.00 for all four, because I already had the paint and the scrapbooking paper!
I’m trying to remember if that was all the questions. Hmm…..
OH, someone asked the dimension of the room, it’s 6’ 8” x 8’ 8”, so it’s a very tiny room, but it sure does have a ton of storage! Speaking of storage, lets look at all the places to store things.
The dresser: This thing holds a TON of stuff!! Click
HERE to see the before.
The cabinets: These
cabinets hold my detergents, iron, medicine, cleaning supplies, light bulbs and so much MORE! (and the baskets hold extra soaps, beauty supplies and one is even empty!!)
and of course you just saw this area….

I truly LOVE this room! Thanks so much for going along with me on this adventure, it’s been fun and so rewarding! I actually enjoy doing laundry now….who knew!
If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask!
PS…I did have one person ask about the durability of the flooring and so far, it’s held up great.
Have a blessed day