
Monday, August 29, 2011

A Perfect Day

On Friday my little man and I went to Evan’s Orchard after we finished homeschool.  I have purposely scheduled our Friday’s on the light side, so we can spend some time doing some fun things together.   Here was our day in pictures…..
What a beautiful, picture perfect day this turned out to be!…

We started out with a fresh, homemade apple pie and an Ale81! (for those of you that don’t know…Ale 8 is a ginger based soft drink made only in KY…and for years could only be purchased in KY…I think two other states sell it now) :0) 
apple pie

OH MY was this yummy!
homemade deep fried apple pie

It didn’t last long!!…
deep fried apple pie

Farmer Brown.. :0)
farmer brown

These were the friendliest baby goats! They would come right up to the fence and let you rub their cute little heads…I could have given this one a smooch he was so cute!!

Our orchard has lots of fun stuff to play on in the playground area….it’s $5.00 to play as long as your heart desires.   With perfect blue skies, low 80’s and no humidity, we stayed a LONG time! :0)
John Deere

I told my little guy I wanted to try out the sports mode on my new camera and asked him to jump….we cracked up when we saw this picture because it looks like he’s levitating in the air! LOL

I told him to try one more time….this one is much better! (he even smiled!) lol

jumping fun

This was a new addition to the orchard this year….a whole bin full of corn!  This looks like it would be fun for little kids to play in.
corny fun

This is where Carson spent much of his time! This tube was hanging from ropes and I would swing him back and forth while he tried to crawl around inside the tube.  It was nice and cool in there too!

See, here’s the outside of the tube hanging from the ropes..he crawled all over it, inside and out!
fun times

These things are called Rat Races….he loved going up and down the course in them.  He couldn’t really race anyone because we were the ONLY people there! We had the whole play area to ourselves….talk about the perfect day!
rollin rollin rollin

We also got to pet the bunnies….some very friendly animals at the orchard!
bunniesbig bunnies

Well that was our day!  How did you spend your weekend?
Hope it was fun!
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  1. Hey Missy....Looks like such a fun day with your son at the apple orchard! I can't remember what we did Friday but I think it was work related...Saturday we had all 3 grandkids again because mom had to work double shift because of the hurricane and dad was helping his inlaws move. Yesterday we were pretty much wiped out so after they left we went and got ice cream and then did a little yard work with this wonderful cool breeze! This coming holiday weekend it is going to be really warm...whew...its got to cool down again, right? Have a good week!~Hugs, Patti

  2. Hi, Missy. It looks like you and your son had a great time. Setting aside a day for fun is an idea more parents should adopt! Loved the photos.

  3. That looks like lots of fun, especially petting the animals. The pictures are great. Your camera takes great pictures.

  4. That photo of your son smiling inside the tube is wonderful. :) 'Glad you had a sweet Friday.

  5. Maybe someday I'll have a grand baby to take somewhere fun like this. Sarah is too old (30)! It looks like a great time with perfect temperatures!♥♫

  6. hey girl! Oh my, that looks like a perfect day!
    What a fun place to play. The goat looks adorable, the bunnies look huge, and your little fella is a cutie. It looks like he had such fun! I think he has his momma's smile. :)
    take care!

  7. How fun! Our eldest had Ale8One this summer when he was in Kentucky on a backpacking trip. Your son looks like he had wonderful time! Enjoy your Friday's!!

  8. It's priceless being able to spend one on one time with your son. Great pictures! You are doing so much better with your camera than I am with mine! I've messed up the flash SOMEHOW and can't figure out on my own how to get it back to working like it did originally. I guess I will have to READ that huge stack of instructions!! lol

    Enjoy your time with your quickly time will pass and this will all be a memory....but, isn't it wonderful you will always have it on your blog. Do you make a book each year for your kids to keep? I started last year. My niece has been making a yearly book for 4 or 5 years now. They are truly a treasure. Hugs.

  9. What a wonderful time you had !!!
    Love all the pic's
    Your son is adorable and looks like he had so much fun
    I just read in your last post you home school also.
    Way to go mama !

  10. You two always look like you have so much fun together...and I'm sure you are making wonderful memories, too!

  11. Missy,

    I'm glad the sun was shining in Kentucky and you were able to spend some time outdoors with your Cottage Charmer! The first sports mode photo makes Carson look like a ballet dancer! hehehe

    Thank you for your prayers. The damage from Hurricane Irene could have been so much worse. We are blessed.

    Your Friend,


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