I have lived with these for over 20 years and think it’s time for a change…
You see, I want something that looks like these…minus the burlap, it doesn’t quite fit in my décor, but I LOVE the shape of these chairs!
My hubby knew what I wanted, and for Christmas (yes LAST Christmas) he bought me four of these. (they’ve been in our garage since last year waiting on me!!)
We found them at Target and got two for $139.00 with free shipping. The only problem is they don’t go with our house, so I decided to re-do them. Yes…I know, they’re new. I’ve gotten so much flack from people telling me I shouldn’t reupholster NEW chairs! Well why not I say?! It’s the shape of the chair I was going after, not the fabric! lol
So stay tuned to my next post to see what I dared to do to these babies!
Have you ever done anything quite as crazy as “messing” with a new piece of furniture to make it into what you want it to be? Please let me know I’m not crazy!!
(Sorry I haven’t posted in a little bit, but I’ve been crazy busy around here trying to teach school to my little guy, help my hubby with getting stuff ready for leading music at church, (he’s the worship leader) and getting ready to have 30 people over for a cookout! Yes, I said 30! We’re having a cookout this coming weekend for all of the band, choir and audio people at our church. I’ll be honest…I’m a little freaked out with everything that still needs to be done before Saturday…ya’ll know how many projects I get going at once….and lets just say I have a lot of clean up to do before they all come over! lol )
Hope you all have a blessed week!
Hi Missy! I love the shape of the chairs and I have people say the same thing about antiques or natural wood. I say it's your house and you make it a haven for you even it that means changing brand, stinking, new furniture...lol. Have a fun time at your cookout and take pictures! Patty
I love your old chairs much better than the new ones from Target. no offense to your sweet husband as he was trying to please. Thanks for sharing, Richard from My Old Historic House.
I say they're your chairs...do what you want with them! And knowing you, Missy...they will be fabulous!
If anyone can transform a chair you can Missy! I love the shape of those chairs too and I don't like the dark paint or the fabric so I know you will be making these guys extra pretty! Good luck with your cook out! I am sure everything will turn out great!~Hugs, Patti
Certainly you are not crazy. I can't wait to see the "finished",
I'm not a fan of your current chairs simply because we see tons of them around here...regardless of whether or not they fit the rest of the decor. So I say, change the new one's fabric if you wish! I like the simpler shape of the new ones and whatever fabric works for you, Go For It girl :-)
We did a cookout for about 15 people from our church. We did the brats and buns, the rest was telling the guests to "bring what you family likes to eat". Turned out great!
Oh yeah... go for it girl, i have most certainly taken something new and messed with it, and i've seen what you can do... you take these generic chairs and do your thing!
Can't wait to see what you do with the chairs. I commend you for using your gift of hospitality. You can do it!
I am so excited to see how they turn out, no you are not crazy! You know the look you want and could not find it, so you are making it! I think that is great.
If you couldn't find chairs covered with a fabric that you like, why not recover them? You go girl!! Looking forward to the finished look :)
Love this! I can't wait to see what you come up with. I am in the midst of our eat-in makeover too :)
I can't wait to see how the chairs come out! I painted and reupholstered a new dining room table and chairs...
I think you should be surrounded by things that make you happy. I don't understand why changing the upholstery in a new chair is a problem. If you can't find the fabric and chair that matches what you want, work with what you can find and transform it into what you want.
I wish I lived close enough to buy your old chairs. I really like them.
Oh, I will take your old chairs off your hands! They are just like mine! I need more to fit around the table to seat our family of soon to be 13 (not including son-in-love and new gd!)
I can't wait to see what you do with the new ones though.
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