
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sweet Pea turned 1!

Can you all believe it, my Sweet Pea turned 1 on Sunday!
It really can’t have been a year since she was born…time sure flies!

I thought I’d pay a tribute to her and show you a pic every month over the last year….you  can watch her grow up right in front of your eyes!

Here’s the day she was born…..11-20-2010

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months


5 months

Logan 5 months old

6 months

7 months

My lovely sweet pea

8 months

love this one!

9 months (thought this was funny) :0)

10 months

needs sharpening, but it's beautiful

11 months


12 months….or 1 year old!!!



Yep, she enjoyed her day!

I know this picture is blurry, but she was so excited over the soft little dolly her daddy bought her, I just had to show it to you anyway.  He was so happy she liked it.  She kept giving it hugs and kisses!


She also got a lot of clothes and a singing Elmo…what  a blessing she is! :0)

Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday! (I’ve been baking all day long…pumpkin pie, pecan pie, pumpkin cheesecake and a strawberry cheesecake! I feel a diet coming on already!)


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Thursday, November 17, 2011

It’s a Big Deal…actually two.

This is my hubby.
He is very humble and never boastful, but he’s received something special.
He’s a fabulous drummer….been playing since he was 3 years old. Seriously!
Well, this special thing that’s happened to him is this…
He’s been been asked to be an endorser for Sonor Drums, a world renown drum company.  This is quite special.
He’s also received an endorsement deal with Supernatural cymbals..they’re an up and coming cymbal company.
He’ll probably roll his eyes at me when he sees that I’ve written this, but I’m proud of him.
I have watched him grow so much lately with his new position as Worship Minister at our church, I stand amazed.
God is good.
We recently hosted the KY Worship Conference at our church, this picture was taken right beforehand.

sonor drums

Just wanted to share some neat news and let my honey know how proud I am of him.

Love you guys!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Our House is Infested! Well…sort of. :)

Before I get into this post, I wanted to thank all of you for your comments on my Sweet Pea Ladybug post.  I’m sorry I didn’t get to get back to everyone individually, but we were hosting KY’s Worship Conference at our church and we were in charge of putting it all together, and to say we were busy, is a major understatement! (We’re worship leaders at our case you’re new to my blog)  So thank you all so much…we love our little ladybug! (and I love all of YOU!)

Now, on to the post! :0)

We have mice…..cute little mice cut out of paper that is! LOL

Carson and I had a great time putting all our little mice into place!
We found the template on Martha Stewart’s can get them HERE if you’d like to cut some out as well.

martha stewart

The first time Sweet Pea came to visit after we put them all up, she just kept pointing and saying, “what’s that, what’s that”?!  It was so cute!

mice silhouettes

The template didn’t include the little mouse “holes”, so we cut them out on our own….after all, mice need a place to live too. :0)

how to decorate for fallhow to decorate for halloween

We put the mice all the way up both flights of stairs and I do have to tell you they creeped me out the first couple of nights because I had forgotten about them, and I’d go up the dimly lit stairs going to bed, and they’d scare the bejeebers out of me!  It was funny! lol

mice silhouettes

Carson is really enjoying our little critters….I’m just glad they’re paper and not the kind that leave little “gifts” behind all over the house! :0)

fall decor

Hope you’re having a nice Fall season!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our Love Bug - Ladybug!

Our Sweet Pea was a ladybug for Halloween….
Just indulge me please…I’m a gloating Nana!  :0)


She loved my mums!….


She loved them so much, she tried to kiss them! (that’s how she kisses….she opens her mouth and says mmmm-whah, then you get your kiss!)


Sweet Pea with her daddy…He loves her SO much!


Lady Bugs can fly… :0)



Her favorite game….smooches and giggles!







These two are my favorites! :0)


Yay for my daddy!….



I LOVED being a ladybug!!…. (can you tell?!)

too cute!

Thanks for indulging me! lol
Can’t help but love a ladybug!
