Hey everyone! Guess what?!….
Today my hubby and I are celebrating our 27th anniversary! Yep, we were married on Valentines Day 27 years ago today! I was 17 and he was 19…and no we didn’t “have” to get married, we were just head over heels in love. :0)
Our wedding day was one I’ll never forget! First off, my poor hubby-to-be had to work…his boss wouldn’t let him off for his own wedding day….who does that to a person??!! To top that off, he was SICK…I mean really sick….he had a fever and everything. He was so sick, his groomsmen had to dress him!
So you’re probably thinking it couldn’t get any worse right? WRONG!
We got a HUGE snow storm…I’m talking over a foot and had to send 4 wheel drive vehicles out to pick up people in our bridal party.
We finally got everyone to the church (and unbelievably had a good turn out in the pews too) and got it all underway. My love was up front waiting for me, and my daddy walked me down the aisle. You’d think everything would have been smooth sailing from there on out wouldn’t you? Nope, not exactly. I’m a singer, so I sang the song, “You are flesh of my flesh” to my honey and someone was supposed to hit the record button so we’d have this precious moment in our lives on tape….but did they? Nope…we have no audio or video of our beautiful day….hope he was listening good to me singing, cause it was a one time deal! lol (if you’d like to hear the song, go HERE and click on the first song)
We were also supposed to have someone fill our glass up with grape juice so we could take our first communion together, but they forgot, so we had to “pretend” to drink the juice, cause the glass was empty! Oh well!

Then there was the kiss. (this is a good part of the wedding!) :0)
Apparently, according to our pastor at the time, the stage got about 15 degrees hotter when I laid THE kiss on my honey!
(This isn’t our wedding pic, but I’m thinking it was something like this……you know, fireworks and all!) :0)
Our pastor said of everyone he’s ever married we still hold the #1 spot for the best kiss!! He’s performed a LOT of weddings…including his own kids, and we still hold the top spot! I think we need some kind of trophy for that don’t you?! lol OH…our pastor was also performing our wedding on his anniversary. He and his wife were married on valentines day as well!
The wedding was finally finished and everything that could have gone wrong, pretty much did, but we were still married….and were were over the moon happy! We were supposed to go south to a nice little place in TN for our honey moon, but the roads were impassable so we had to spend our honeymoon in Northern KY in a Holiday Inn! Some day we’ll have a real honeymoon to make up for what we didn’t get then, but even if we don’t, we’re still married and we’re still happy as larks. This just goes to show you that even when things seem tumultuous and aren’t going quite right in the moment, they can still turn out beautiful in the end. It’s kind of like that with life too. You may be going through some terrible things right now, but God sees the big picture and knows the outcome. We only see the back of the needlepoint picture of life….the knots and the hanging threads, but God is using all those moments in our lives…good and bad, to weave a beautiful piece of artwork. He sees the finished side….he sees the beauty. We just have to trust him and know that “all things work together for good to those that love the Lord”. Romans 8:28.
So, I’d like to take this moment in time to wish my beautiful and loving husband a happy 27th anniversary! I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life making new memories with you!

PS…I forgot to tell you…I hadn’t eaten anything all day the day of our wedding except the bite of cake at the reception, so I was starving!! We arrived at our hotel at 10:05…..room service closed at 10:00 and TJ was too sick to drive to get me anything and I couldn’t drive a stick shift…. I called my mom to say hey….they were eating hot pizza.
Par for the course.