Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shabby Apple Giveaway!

Hey all my bloggy friends!  I have missed all of you! I’ve had some computer issues, so I haven’t had a chance to write a post for a little while.  Sorry!
To make it up to you I have a wonderful giveaway to tell you about!
The nice people at Shabby Apple would like to give one of you $50.00 good towards a purchase from their site!  If you’re not familiar with Shabby Apple, they are a sweet boutique that carry vintage inspired, modest clothing…and boy, oh boy do they have some cute stuff!!!  They have everything from dresses and blouses, to jewelry and accessories…and MUCH more!

Here’s a few items from their site that I just loved!

Check out this Cabana swimsuit…..isn’t it sweet!! (and of course it’s pink!) :0)

vintage swimsuit

I also thought this “Key to My Heart” necklace was cute…

key to my heart

and I’m a sucker for a skirt with a bow!….

bow skirt

It’s super easy to enter the giveaway!

1. (this first one is mandatory to enter…you can’t enter any other way until you do this one) You just need to like the Shabby Apple on Facebook, then come back here and leave a comment saying you did.

2. Go to Shabby Apple’s website and pick out what you’d love to have and tell me in a comment.

3. tweet about the giveaway and let me know in a comment

4. Share about the giveaway on your Facebook page and leave a comment saying you did. (and if you’re not following my blog on fb, here’s my PAGE.  I know, I know..shameless plug!) :0)

That’s it!
OH…and one other thing!  The generous folks at Shabby Apple have also given all of you a 10% off code to use on their site if you just can’t wait for the giveaway to end, or you don’t win.
Just enter promo code: mycottagecharm10off

The giveaway will end Thursday June 21st and I’ll announce the winner on Friday the 22nd!


Good luck!
PS…My window seat is almost done…can’t wait to share!!!


dalaney said...

I liked on fb!! (Dalaney Mecham)
Dalaneym at gmail

dalaney said...

My fav dress is the academia dress!!

Hannah said...

I like shabby apple on Facebook.

Hannah said...

My fav dress is the l'opera

Jenny said...

Awesome giveaway!! I liked them on fb :) (Jenny martin)

Jenny said...

I would probably buy the Nautical sailor skirt! Jennypmartin@gmail

Jenny said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB

Jenny said...

I love the "Look of Love" dress!

Yvette @ AquaSeventy6 said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB!

Jesse said...

I like shabby apple on FB!
jessebfit at yahoo dot com

Jesse said...

I must have the Lighthouse dress!
jessebfit at yahoo dot com

Jesse said...

jessebfit at yahoo
Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy Lynn said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB
amylynnbee22 at gmail dot com

Amy Lynn said...

I love the overboard dress!
amylynnbee22 at gmail dot com

Amy Lynn said...

amylynnbee22 at gmail dot com

Amy Lynn said...

facebook share and tagged you :)
amylynnbee22 at gmail dot com

mary van note said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB

mary van note said...

I would love to get my hands on the One For My Baby dress in spearmint. So cute!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

I "like" shabby apple on FB. :)

April G said...

I like Shabby Apple on Facebook - aprilgilbertson(at)gmail(dot)com

April G said...

I would love to have the V.P. dress!

Jessica said...

I "liked" Shabby Apple on facebook. :-) I think I would order the Aloha dress if I win. Which I hope I do. Hehe

April G said...

I tweeted:

KatieQ said...

I like the Headliner dress

KatieQ said...

I liked Shabby Apple on FB and left a comment.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Fun giveaway...I already follow them on FB!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I love the Ingrid dress from the 1943 collection...

Lynn said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB!
lynnbulk83 at yahoo dot com

Lynn said...

What wouldn't I love to have;) I love the Blue Eyes dress!
lynnbulk83 at yahoo dot com

Lynn said...

lynnbulk83 at yahoo dot com

Lynn said...

FB share
lynnbulk83 at yahoo dot com

Thanks for the giveaway! and I FB like you too :)

Allison said...

I'm so in love with Shabby Apple- of course I liked them on Facebook!

Allison said...

If I could choose any one item of clothing, it'd most definitely be hte "One for my Baby" dress!

Gina M (crave to save) said...

I like them on FB -- Crave to Save
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

I love the beauty mark dress! Thanks for the chance to win!

gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...


gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

shared on fb--

gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Tara said...

I like Shabby Apple on Facebook

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I love the look of the Study Break dress!

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I sent a tweet:

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I posted on Facebook:

dandygiveaway at gmail dot com

Rachel Travis said...

I like shabb apple on fb :)

Rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

Rachel Travis said...

I love the bathing suits :) my favorite dress is the piña colada :)

Rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

MelancholySmile said...

I liked Shabby Apple on FB.

MelancholySmile said...

I'm obsessed with the "I'm Late! I'm Late!" dress!

Unknown said...

I like Shabby Apple on fb! Thanks!
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I love the lighthouse dress! Great for summer! saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Julie said...

like sa on fb Julie A Scott Laws

Julie said...!

Sally said...

Already liking Shabby Apple on Facebook :)

Sally said...

Visited SA's website - love the Elizabeth Islands dress :)

Fairfield House said...


Please include me in your generous give-away. I 'liked' shabby apple on FB.

Your Friend,

Fairfield House said...


So much goodness to be had on the Shabby Apple site. I especially like the Mad Hatter dress! (second entry)

Your Friend,

Fairfield House said...


I tweeted about your give-away! (Missy @mycottagecharm is having a $50 Shabby Apple Give-Away!

Third entry.

Your Friend,

Fairfield House said...


I posted about it on FB:
Deborah McCarthy
Missy @mycottagecharm is having a $50 Shabby Apple Give-Away! Two more days to enter.

Forth entry.

Your Friend,

Peggy said...

Hey MIssy,

I liked Shabby Apple on FB! I decided why not!

Peggy said...

love the sunset picture... its a beautiful butterfly!!!

Have a great day, my dear!!

Brooke said...

I posted on my facebook page and liked their page :)

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