
Monday, October 29, 2012

My Life is Not My Own….

Do you ever feel sometimes like your life isn’t your own?….
Like the whole world is caving in and you’re not in control?….
Like everyone else dictates what you will do with your day and you have no say in it?
That’s where I’ve been the last few weeks…….
BUT, today I realized my life isn’t my own anyway…it belongs to Christ.
HE is in control.
HE is my strength when my world feels like it’s caving in on me.
HE is my rock, my shield, my fortress….in HIM will I trust.

Hopefully I can get back to blogging a little more regularly…it’s been a month since my last blog post…did you think I had fallen off the face of the map?

This time of year gets so crazy hectic for my family, and we’ve had a lot of health stuff going on with my hubby and my middle son, so my life has been a little nutty, but I’m just trusting God is going to take control of it and I’ll be more at peace with it all. 

Please say a prayer of healing for my hubby’s back and my son’s seizures.  God says where two or more are gathered, He’s in the midst of them…and I have a lot of bloggy friends out there, so agree with me in prayer for their healing. 

Thanks so much!

PS…I’ll be doing a post very soon about the walls in my dining room….I’ve got something very pretty to show you!
