
Monday, October 29, 2012

My Life is Not My Own….

Do you ever feel sometimes like your life isn’t your own?….
Like the whole world is caving in and you’re not in control?….
Like everyone else dictates what you will do with your day and you have no say in it?
That’s where I’ve been the last few weeks…….
BUT, today I realized my life isn’t my own anyway…it belongs to Christ.
HE is in control.
HE is my strength when my world feels like it’s caving in on me.
HE is my rock, my shield, my fortress….in HIM will I trust.

Hopefully I can get back to blogging a little more regularly…it’s been a month since my last blog post…did you think I had fallen off the face of the map?

This time of year gets so crazy hectic for my family, and we’ve had a lot of health stuff going on with my hubby and my middle son, so my life has been a little nutty, but I’m just trusting God is going to take control of it and I’ll be more at peace with it all. 

Please say a prayer of healing for my hubby’s back and my son’s seizures.  God says where two or more are gathered, He’s in the midst of them…and I have a lot of bloggy friends out there, so agree with me in prayer for their healing. 

Thanks so much!

PS…I’ll be doing a post very soon about the walls in my dining room….I’ve got something very pretty to show you!



  1. Missy,your post was encouraging, thank you! I think of a verse in a song that says " when I am overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I". It's certainly easy to feel overwhelmed in our time with so much pulling at us and difficulties that come our way. It sounds like you are standing on the Rock, and He's unshakeable so I know you guys will be OK.


  2. Hi, my dear friend. Prayers for all. This time of year seems hectic around here, too. Perhaps it is this way so we can enjoy the peace of Christmas when it comes. Take care.♥♫

  3. I will most certainly pray for you and your family right this minute... You're so smart to put that out there to all of us to join in with you...
    lot's of love


  4. Thanks for letting us know - I'll pray for you all....


  5. Times like this can feel overwhelming...sending prayers for peace and healing, my friend! XO

  6. I did indeed wonder if you had fallen off the face of the earth....glad you are still here, but oh so sad to hear that BOTH you hubby and son are not doing well healthwise. I will definitley include them in my prayers. As I will you....I bet you are just worn out. It's bad enough having to look out for one sick one in the family, much less two. Bless all your hearts.

  7. I feel that way almost everyday! Our lives have been consumed with family problems since the end of June. I do ALOT of praying and have ALOT of people praying for us. I will do the same for you Missy! ~Hugs, Patti

  8. missy, i'm just a reader not fortunate enough to have a blog YET but i agree with you in faith about your hubby and son and just prayed for them Our Lord and Savior Jesus knows your sorrow and will give you peace that passes all understanding I have a full time job and 2 shabby chic shops small ones but they need attention especially this time of year i also have diabetes so i really here your thoughts about not being in charge and you helped to remind me that I'm not in charge anyway He is, and if I will just let Him, He always does a much better job of it than I ever could Blessings to you and healing to your hubby and son IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!

  9. Sorry to hear that health issues are taking a front seat with your family. You are so right. He is our fortress and our shield. I don't know what I would do if it were not so. I am a firm believer in prayer and knowing that others are lifting me up brings such peace and comfort. I pray that the days ahead become easier for you and that the health issues will improve.

  10. Checking back on you and yours...keeping you all in my prayers. I hope everything and everyone are better than before. Keep us posted on how you and yours are doing. Hugs.

  11. Missy,
    I so needed that reminder. Yes, God is in control! Prayers of healing for your family.

    He is faithful!!


  12. Missy,
    As I was reading your post, I answered your question: Yes, I feel that way often. Caring for my mother and tending to the house leave little time for creating and writing ... and then I paused (before reading your words) and knew I am filling my intended purpose, the reason HE created me -- this is not my life, it belongs to God. I then finished reading your post and in the midst of all the pieces I am picking up after surviving Sandy I feel calm, filled with gratitude and know HE is in control. You and yours are in my prayers.

  13. Missy, I don't have a blog either but I do enjoy reading yours. I understand what you mean about this time of year being hectic. I will definately being praying for your husband and son. Jesus took the stripes for our healing and I am claiming that for your family today. This too shall pass :)


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